activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

Kirkhill Trails
category: Hiking
Numerous walking trails are available mostly following water courses and streams. A twenty minute walk takes you to the Stobela Gorge, which offers shaded pools and an abundance of bird life. A short walk to one of the picnic spots leads to Stobela River where on hot days a paddle in the river is therapeutic or head of into one of the krantz’s and absorb the wonders of nature.
Sibebe Challenge Hike
category: Hiking
Would you like to see the great Sibebe Rock – the second largest granite dome in the world? Come and enjoy the challenge of conquering this mighty dome. The sense of achievement in reaching the top and the sheer beauty of this rugged landscape are the highlights.
Nsangwini Rock Art
category: Sports & Recreation
bushman paintings offer a unique glimpse into a mysterious way of life shrounded in mystery that is between four hundred and four thousand years old. The top row of figures are in a trance dance and are entering the power world through a crackin the rock to their right.
Running Swazi Slojos
category: Sports & Recreation
Members leave the Mbabane Club at 5.30pm monday to Friday.
category: Sports & Recreation

Courts at the Royal swazi sun hotel, Orion Pigg`s peak hotel, corronation park mbabane,Malkerns country club, Manzini Club, Mbabane club and Southern Swaziland Club.

White water rafting and caving
category: Sports & Recreation

White water rafting down the Usuthu river in 2 man crocrafts. No experience necessary, trained guides all the way!

Caving:Half day activity, every day, deperting mornings,afternoons or evenings. Fairly adventurerous , however no prior experience necessary. Trips end with a soak in a hot spring.

Hash House Harriers
category: Sports & Recreation
looking for a different way to keep fit? Join the terminally imature and take excersie through social intercourse. The hho Harsh house Harriers run, walk, crawl every sunday morning at 9.00 am,mondays 5.30 pm from October to March.
Motor Cross
category: Sports & Recreation
droxford affroad track at Ngwenya. Pee wee track & adult track with ramps for the experienced or just plain darring! For directions and datails  please call.
Helicopter Flips
category: Sports & Recreation
Daily from the Royal swazi sun  at Ezulwini or orion Pigg`s peak hotel.
4x4 Club
category: Sports & Recreation
Meet the third Thursday of every month at the club house in ezulwini for futher information please call .
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how to get hear

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"; ?>
activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696

Kirkhill Trails
category: Hiking
Numerous walking trails are available mostly following water courses and streams. A twenty minute walk takes you to the Stobela Gorge, which offers shaded pools and an abundance of bird life. A short walk to one of the picnic spots leads to Stobela River where on hot days a paddle in the river is therapeutic or head of into one of the krantz’s and absorb the wonders of nature.
Sibebe Challenge Hike
category: Hiking
Would you like to see the great Sibebe Rock – the second largest granite dome in the world? Come and enjoy the challenge of conquering this mighty dome. The sense of achievement in reaching the top and the sheer beauty of this rugged landscape are the highlights.
Nsangwini Rock Art
category: Sports & Recreation
bushman paintings offer a unique glimpse into a mysterious way of life shrounded in mystery that is between four hundred and four thousand years old. The top row of figures are in a trance dance and are entering the power world through a crackin the rock to their right.
Running Swazi Slojos
category: Sports & Recreation
Members leave the Mbabane Club at 5.30pm monday to Friday.
category: Sports & Recreation

Courts at the Royal swazi sun hotel, Orion Pigg`s peak hotel, corronation park mbabane,Malkerns country club, Manzini Club, Mbabane club and Southern Swaziland Club.

White water rafting and caving
category: Sports & Recreation

White water rafting down the Usuthu river in 2 man crocrafts. No experience necessary, trained guides all the way!

Caving:Half day activity, every day, deperting mornings,afternoons or evenings. Fairly adventurerous , however no prior experience necessary. Trips end with a soak in a hot spring.

Hash House Harriers
category: Sports & Recreation
looking for a different way to keep fit? Join the terminally imature and take excersie through social intercourse. The hho Harsh house Harriers run, walk, crawl every sunday morning at 9.00 am,mondays 5.30 pm from October to March.
Motor Cross
category: Sports & Recreation
droxford affroad track at Ngwenya. Pee wee track & adult track with ramps for the experienced or just plain darring! For directions and datails  please call.
Helicopter Flips
category: Sports & Recreation
Daily from the Royal swazi sun  at Ezulwini or orion Pigg`s peak hotel.
4x4 Club
category: Sports & Recreation
Meet the third Thursday of every month at the club house in ezulwini for futher information please call .
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