activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland
Nhlangano Golf Club
Tucked away in the southern part of the kingdom of Swaziland is  Nhlangano where you will find the 9 hole course. It is flat and narrow,easy to walk but the same time a demanding course. You can also enjoy playing tennis and squash,basketball and pool and swimming pool is also available.The club has a clubhouse,changing rooms,showers, a bar,practice area and putting green.

Address:  Based at the southern swaziland country club,between the Nhlangano sun Hotel and Nhlangano town.

Holes: 09

Yaerdage: 6072metres

Par: 72

Tel: +268 2078887



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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Nhlangano Golf Club
Tucked away in the southern part of the kingdom of Swaziland is  Nhlangano where you will find the 9 hole course. It is flat and narrow,easy to walk but the same time a demanding course. You can also enjoy playing tennis and squash,basketball and pool and swimming pool is also available.The club has a clubhouse,changing rooms,showers, a bar,practice area and putting green.

Address:  Based at the southern swaziland country club,between the Nhlangano sun Hotel and Nhlangano town.

Holes: 09

Yaerdage: 6072metres

Par: 72

Tel: +268 2078887



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