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Mlilwane Trails

Mlilwane wild life santuary covers 4560 hectors and comprises of a southern and a nothern section. The southern section is predominantely open grasslands plains with middleveld vegetation,streching up to the rock of execution.The northern sections includes mantenga and includes one of the highest surrounding points at Luphohlo. Only guided hiking trails can enter the prestine mountains of the north.

Mlilwane embraces a combination of middleveld and highveld habitats ,including  areas covered by eucalyptus(bluegum) forest. The middleveld habitats incoperate the low lying areas along the Usuthu River, while the highveld habiotats is found on the high altitude areas like the Luchoncho, Sibumbu and Lugogo montains.

Duration of walk:half day/full day

Contact person:Reception

tel:+268 5283943\4



how to get hear

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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Mlilwane Trails

Mlilwane wild life santuary covers 4560 hectors and comprises of a southern and a nothern section. The southern section is predominantely open grasslands plains with middleveld vegetation,streching up to the rock of execution.The northern sections includes mantenga and includes one of the highest surrounding points at Luphohlo. Only guided hiking trails can enter the prestine mountains of the north.

Mlilwane embraces a combination of middleveld and highveld habitats ,including  areas covered by eucalyptus(bluegum) forest. The middleveld habitats incoperate the low lying areas along the Usuthu River, while the highveld habiotats is found on the high altitude areas like the Luchoncho, Sibumbu and Lugogo montains.

Duration of walk:half day/full day

Contact person:Reception

tel:+268 5283943\4



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