activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland
Mahamba Trails

Beutiful grasslands iterspersed with rocky outcrops, the gorge is smaller than Ngwempisi but still dramatic. Mahamba church, the oldest in Swaziland is seen in this region. The trails and lodges are community owned and operated. the trails are focused around the gorge offering exhilarating hiking, ranging from step climb into the gorge to the less strenuous reverside hikes, and offer half-day to full-day scenic and cultural trails.


Bald ibis nesting sites; historical church; mkhondvo river-great for swimming;black eagles;adventure gorge walk.

Trail Summary

Trails are easy to find

Moderate tempetatures

Culture and wildlife

Half-day and full-day trails

Map available

Hut or better available

Drinking water available

cooking facilities available

Shop available

Duration of walk: half/full day

Contact person: Reception

Tel:+268 6179880



how to get hear

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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Mahamba Trails

Beutiful grasslands iterspersed with rocky outcrops, the gorge is smaller than Ngwempisi but still dramatic. Mahamba church, the oldest in Swaziland is seen in this region. The trails and lodges are community owned and operated. the trails are focused around the gorge offering exhilarating hiking, ranging from step climb into the gorge to the less strenuous reverside hikes, and offer half-day to full-day scenic and cultural trails.


Bald ibis nesting sites; historical church; mkhondvo river-great for swimming;black eagles;adventure gorge walk.

Trail Summary

Trails are easy to find

Moderate tempetatures

Culture and wildlife

Half-day and full-day trails

Map available

Hut or better available

Drinking water available

cooking facilities available

Shop available

Duration of walk: half/full day

Contact person: Reception

Tel:+268 6179880



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