activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland
Shewula Trails

The camp is accessible by 2 wheel drive vehicles and is in a safe and secure enviroment. Shewula falls within a malarial area so precaution through use of mosquito repellant or prophylactics is advised. for backpackers access is possible by local bus from manzini, Simunye or Lomahasha.

Choose between  guided cultural trails through the surrounding community area visiting homesteads, traditional healers , local schools or challenging nature walks on an extensive trail system into the shewula nature reserve and Mbuluzi gorge.diverse birdlife and ancient hardwood vegetation are features as well as encounters with wildlife on the trail.

directions and attrations can be forwarded by e-mail.

Trail Summary

moderate temperaures


Half-day and full-day trails

Map available

Tent required

Hut or better available

bedding required

Drinking water and cooking facilities available


Duration of walk:  Full-day trail

contact person; Nomsa

tel; +268 6051160/6031931



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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Shewula Trails

The camp is accessible by 2 wheel drive vehicles and is in a safe and secure enviroment. Shewula falls within a malarial area so precaution through use of mosquito repellant or prophylactics is advised. for backpackers access is possible by local bus from manzini, Simunye or Lomahasha.

Choose between  guided cultural trails through the surrounding community area visiting homesteads, traditional healers , local schools or challenging nature walks on an extensive trail system into the shewula nature reserve and Mbuluzi gorge.diverse birdlife and ancient hardwood vegetation are features as well as encounters with wildlife on the trail.

directions and attrations can be forwarded by e-mail.

Trail Summary

moderate temperaures


Half-day and full-day trails

Map available

Tent required

Hut or better available

bedding required

Drinking water and cooking facilities available


Duration of walk:  Full-day trail

contact person; Nomsa

tel; +268 6051160/6031931



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