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Nsangwini Rock Art
bushman paintings offer a unique glimpse into a mysterious way of life shrounded in mystery that is between four hundred and four thousand years old. The top row of figures are in a trance dance and are entering the power world through a crackin the rock to their right.

Bantu speaking people first arrived here in about 450 AD from the north, this is the only known Bushman painting of them with cattle and sheep in Swaziland.The caves was once the site of sacred rain making ceremonies. Access is along a mountained trail with trained guides to show the route and interpret the paintings. The Nsangwini Bushman paintings are managed and maintained by the Nsangwini community with a reservations, reception and orientation office at the start of the trail.Secure parking is provided and safety along the trails assured. All profits from the scheme are reinvested in the community.

Advanced bookings: 6373767 or ringthe bell at the reception.



how to get hear

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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Nsangwini Rock Art
bushman paintings offer a unique glimpse into a mysterious way of life shrounded in mystery that is between four hundred and four thousand years old. The top row of figures are in a trance dance and are entering the power world through a crackin the rock to their right.

Bantu speaking people first arrived here in about 450 AD from the north, this is the only known Bushman painting of them with cattle and sheep in Swaziland.The caves was once the site of sacred rain making ceremonies. Access is along a mountained trail with trained guides to show the route and interpret the paintings. The Nsangwini Bushman paintings are managed and maintained by the Nsangwini community with a reservations, reception and orientation office at the start of the trail.Secure parking is provided and safety along the trails assured. All profits from the scheme are reinvested in the community.

Advanced bookings: 6373767 or ringthe bell at the reception.



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