activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland
Esibayeni Lodge
Town:  Matsapha
Tel:  +268 5184848 /+268 6051650
Fax  +268 5184849

Click here for Booking Enquiry


Esibayeni Lodge is a family owned and managed hotel built on what used to be a large family cattle byre (Sibaya) on land that has been in a family of Pioneers for 107 year. The establishment offers 104 twin and single en-suite bedrooms, two restaurants providing a la carte menu, buffets and our famous delicious traditional Swazi meals & braais. Situated at the Matsapha International Airport Esibayeni Lodge has easy access to most local arts and crafts markets and are 11km from Manzini and 29km from Mbabane. The establishment offers outdoor facilities,9 conference centres, evening entertainment, multi function facility and friendly staff. Let us spoil you in our own limousine on that special occasion at vey special rates. Airport shuttles are free on request.



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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Esibayeni Lodge
Town:  Matsapha
Tel:  +268 5184848 /+268 6051650
Fax  +268 5184849

Click here for Booking Enquiry


Esibayeni Lodge is a family owned and managed hotel built on what used to be a large family cattle byre (Sibaya) on land that has been in a family of Pioneers for 107 year. The establishment offers 104 twin and single en-suite bedrooms, two restaurants providing a la carte menu, buffets and our famous delicious traditional Swazi meals & braais. Situated at the Matsapha International Airport Esibayeni Lodge has easy access to most local arts and crafts markets and are 11km from Manzini and 29km from Mbabane. The establishment offers outdoor facilities,9 conference centres, evening entertainment, multi function facility and friendly staff. Let us spoil you in our own limousine on that special occasion at vey special rates. Airport shuttles are free on request.



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