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Traditional Medicine
Traditional healers in the Kingdom of Swaziland are regarded as physicians, prophets, priests, herbalists and diviners which places a great responsibility upon them. approximately 80% of the Swazi Nation consult them and there are both male and female traditional healers. The "Inyanga" inherits his skills from his grandfather and father. His profession is dominated by men and the "Inyanga" holds a senior place in Swazi society. His main function is divination which may be effected by throwing the bones. After several throws when the bones fall into different patterns, the "Inyanga" will scrutinize them and then spell out a clear message in lyrical siSwati. The "Sangoma" is a traditional healer who has been "called" to the profession. Generally practiced by women, the "Sangoma" is consulted to alleviate physical and mental problems, to attend various ceremonies and to act as a counselor. When divining, the "Sangoma" relies traditionally upon spirit possession. Both the "Inyanga" and the "Sangoma" are herbalists and most Swazis consult them for varying reasons. A special school is maintained at Siteki and visits to the school can be pre-arranged as can individual consultations.

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activities attractions services accommodations about swaziland

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Distance: (Kms)

To Mbabane - 371
To Manzini - 411

To Mbabane - 635
To Manzini - 595

To Mbabane - 718
To Manzini - 758

To Mbabane - 736
To Manzini - 696
Traditional Medicine
Traditional healers in the Kingdom of Swaziland are regarded as physicians, prophets, priests, herbalists and diviners which places a great responsibility upon them. approximately 80% of the Swazi Nation consult them and there are both male and female traditional healers. The "Inyanga" inherits his skills from his grandfather and father. His profession is dominated by men and the "Inyanga" holds a senior place in Swazi society. His main function is divination which may be effected by throwing the bones. After several throws when the bones fall into different patterns, the "Inyanga" will scrutinize them and then spell out a clear message in lyrical siSwati. The "Sangoma" is a traditional healer who has been "called" to the profession. Generally practiced by women, the "Sangoma" is consulted to alleviate physical and mental problems, to attend various ceremonies and to act as a counselor. When divining, the "Sangoma" relies traditionally upon spirit possession. Both the "Inyanga" and the "Sangoma" are herbalists and most Swazis consult them for varying reasons. A special school is maintained at Siteki and visits to the school can be pre-arranged as can individual consultations.

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